
Lecturer Sylwester Kraśnicki, logo, hydrogeologia, ochrona wód, szkolenia, webinary


Sylwester Kraśnicki


Ludów Polski 5/2

57-100 Strzelin


tel. +48 606 291 672

e-mail: expertise@lecturer.com.pl 



What is the specialisation of Lecturer Sylwester Kraśnicki?

Lecturer Sylwester Kraśnicki specialises in preparing expertise regarding the impact of designed and existing investments on groundwater and surface water and the impact of climate change on water resources. It also offers training, lectures, and webinars related to the subject described above.


Who does Lecturer Sylwester Kraśnicki cooperate with?

Lecturer Sylwester Kraśnicki cooperates with reputable non-governmental organisations such as Greenpeace, WWF, and Frank Bold in Poland and abroad. It also provides expertise for state institutions.


What are the activity areas of Lecturer Sylwester Kraśnicki?

The activity areas of Lecturer Sylwester Kraśnicki include:

  • Influence of climate change on water resources (river flows, water reservoirs, wetlands), including the growing problems of water deficit and drought;
  • Water footprint of food and clothes;
  • Analysis of the coverage of depression cone around drainage objects such as mines or water intakes;
  • Influence of drainage on rivers, water reservoirs and wetlands, including legally protected areas;
  • Analysis of the mine reclamation effects on groundwater and surface water;
  • Analysis of groundwater pollution by farms, gas stations, waste landfills and others, including pollutant migration;
  • Analysis of pesticide pollution of water resources. I was a member of the consortium in the EU Framework Programme "Functional Tools for Pesticide Risk Assessment and Management."


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Ludów Polski 5/2

57-100 Strzelin

